Contact Us

General enquiries, Please complete the form below


AKA Bankstown Branch
President: Ian Andrews, 0418 255 897
Vice President: Paul Miglionico, 0415 834 529
Secretary: Adam Holden, 0419 165 782
Show Coordinator: Paul Miglionico, (02) 9862 0472 / 0415 834 529
Membership Officer: Heinz Zimmermann, 0428 478 594                                               
Table Show Registrars: Paul & Dorothy Miglionico, 0424 133 698
Auction Coordinator: Heinz Zimmermann, 0428 478 594
Membership Liaison: Mimi Chu 0418 318 333 and TK Hing 0402 305 868

AKA Mid-Northern NSW Branch
Chairman: Gavan Gribble 0430930936 or
Deputy Chair: Greg Collins 0411 406 519
Secretary: Peter Hemmings 0265677576 or
Treasurer: Pooney Pun-Gribble 0409675 673
Event Coordinator: Steph Nicholson 0428 493 566
Membership Coordinator: Greg Collins 0411 406 519                                        

All correspondence
Australian Koi Association, 17 Westmore Drive, West Pennant Hills NSW 2125