Members' Auction Rules and Regulations
(i) Small koi offered for sale must be a minimum 75 mm in length with a maximum of 30 such fish in an auction bin. The maximum number of bins per member for such fish is two.
(ii) If more than 30 fish are offered in a bin the Auction Master will direct removal of the excess number which cannot then be sold at the auction site.
This condition will be strictly adhered to.
(iii) All small koi offered for sale must be in good health and free from faults, damage, and other disorders otherwise they will be removed at the Auction Master's direction and impounded until end of the auction.
(i) Large koi must be in good health and free from faults, damage, and other disorders. Koi not meeting these requirements will be removed at the Auction Master's direction and impounded until end of the auction. The seller may offer a replacement koi for sale in the bin.
(i) Initial booking of sale bins will be accepted only during the social break of the AKA's monthly general meeting immediately following the previous auction. A reserve list of bookings for non-attending members whose names are submitted by members present will be accepted only at the Auction Master's discretion. Similarly, phone bookings received subsequent to the meeting will be subject to availability of bins and at the Auction Master's discretion.
(ii) Auctions will be limited to 120 bins with a maximum of 4 bins per member (unless auctions remain unfilled when the Auction Master may allow additional bins per member).
(iii) A flat commission fee of $10 per bin will be charged to each seller. This fee will also apply in the event of: a booking cancellation not made before one week of the auction date; failure to present fish for auction; fish being withdrawn from sale at the Auction Master's direction; or fish not reaching the seller's reserve price. Failure to pay the AKA's fee in such circumstances will disqualify the seller from future auctions (unless the fee is paid in the interim).
(iv) Sellers unable to attend the auction must personally contact the Auction Master a minimum of one week beforehand. Alternative arrangements may be entered into at the Auction Master's discretion; otherwise, the bin(s) allocation will be forfeited and the usual bin fee will apply.
(i) Setting up will commence at 8.00 am with all koi in bins by no later than 9.30 am, otherwise fish may be excluded from the auction.
(ii) Auctions will commence at 10.00 am.
(iii) All sellers are required to assist in performing jobs allocated by the Auction Master. Anyone authorised by the Auction Master to bring fish for another member must be prepared to assist or to allocate someone else to do so. Failure to assist in setting up arrangements and jobs allocated by the Auction Master may result in withdrawal of fish from sale and (may) jeopardise a seller’s future entitlement to sale bins.
(iv) Any seller physically incapable of performing allocated job(s) should inform the Auction Master before the auction date (if possible) otherwise, at time of job allocation.
(v) Sellers may nominate a reserve (minimum) price for their koi. Details must be provided to the Auction Master prior to commencement of the auction at 10.00 am.
(vi) Under no circumstances may sellers discuss or otherwise canvass with potential buyers the merits of their own fish over those of other sellers. Once fish are in bins, their sale is the sole prerogative of the Club and its auctioneer.
(i) Under Fisheries Department Regulations, AKA members may only sell koi to the general public via official AKA Auctions.
(ii) Koi may be sold directly to AKA members or other loi keepers belonging to a koi hobbyist association.
(iii) Members found selling koi privately at official AKA auctions will be required to pay the AKA a fee of 20% of the sale price and may jeopardise their future entitlement to auction bins.
The sale of koi by members of the AKA can only take place between members of koi clubs and associations only, as per NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) guidelines.